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Old 2019-12-13, 18:51   Link #6937
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Shippuu View Post
We don't know how it works, we don't know why it's better than Classical Magic.
This was explained back when Santa appeared. Fusing magic and technology makes magic easier to use, less dependent on factors like natural talent.

We don't know why the shield in the latest chapter was such a big deal compared to a normal shield.
A normal magic shield like that would require an extremely powerful mage to create. Something like that the shield in the latest chapter can be done as long as you have enough electricity.

Speaking of the latest chapter, it was a good example of UQ Holder's strengths.

The coordination of the battle was better than anything we've seen from Akamatsu before, to my mind. We see Eva actually fulfilling her role as a mage with long distance wide area bombardment, Santa and Jinbei combining abilities, Ikku doing aerial point to point sniping, etc. That's good, that's the kind of thing I hope we'll see more of as the manga progresses.

The lack of world-building, the consequences of making magic public, massive rise in magical crime that the world simply can't keep up with, magic supremacy, racism toward demi-humans the fact that despite all their good intentions the world is going to hell and they can do little to stop it and they're forced to at least acknowledge that Ialda's plan is not entirely without merit rather than just blindly dismissing it as evil brainwashery from the evil last boss etc. There was a well of potential topics in the early days of UQ Holder that he just abandoned completely.
This I do agree with. Despite the fact that I actually do enjoy this manga I do believe it could have handled things better in this respect. The moment Touta was introduced as Negi's grandson, I expected the series to focus on loose ends from Negima, but not to this extent.

of Nagi whom I always hated because he was an obnoxious manchild living out his hero fantasies (and had zero chemistry with Arika)
I've heard this argument from you before, but for the life of me I can't understand the basis behind it. In many ways Nagi is the person who made the most sacrificies in this universe.

Illusion, illusion, this is illusion. It cannot harm me.
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