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Old 2020-04-06, 13:15   Link #14
Join Date: Jul 2010
Originally Posted by alex_drian View Post
Too bad, you are going to have Kodomo Yu-Gi-Oh! and you will like it.

This is...kodomo anime, right? yes, Yu-Gi-Oh! as a kodomo anime.
If I should judge purely on the first episode, I think, that content itself doesn't felt anything less shounen, than either of previous YGO series.

Originally Posted by alex_drian View Post
A decent MC, a colorful cast that are actually elementary schoolers instead of high schoolers+ as we are accustomed so kids. Only that should tell you who is the target audience of this.
I don't really think so. Main cast are maybe elementary schoolers, but so far their presence doesn't felt anywhere near overwhelming to create feeling that I watching something targeted for kids. Overal direction, music, and action are still pretty much shounen like as before. Only what I can see is that stated age and some manners of main characters make them perfect for kids to identify with them, so series is a little more accessible for them, thanks to that. On the other hand, moderate and reasonable characterization mixed with a good dose of comedy, help that characters don't feel annoying or bratty to an older audience. Let's see if anime staff manage keep this balance info further episodes. But so far it gives me good vibe. In several things first episode reminded me first episode of ARC-V. So hopefully whole series will be just as good.

P. S.: I really hope, that the pre-opening sequence will be eventually elaborated somehow. The idea of duel mechas seems too good to be discarded on mere single dream sequence.
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