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Old 2006-08-09, 10:04   Link #92
Haruhiism Worshipper
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 39
Originally Posted by Kaioshin_Sama
I blame the "Hold My Hand" effect on the media, be it advertisement's, Network TV Shows or Really Bad Video Games deliberately trying to dumb us all down with there inane and constantly more and more simplified messages. The corporations and the government of the United States almost seem to have been dumbing down Americans for a long time and raising a new generation from birth as mindless consumers who can't think for themselves and need to be told what to do (or what to buy more likely). Its really sad because I feel that the generation after the one I'm in won't have as much independent thought as this one. That's my take on Vexx's post.
I agree for the most part. Being able to interpret ideas intelligently is becoming a dying art form. However, I find that it's more of the industry catering to the lowest common denominator of society. The industry makes more money when everyone and their dog can understand a certain simple concept rather than something that requires people to put some brain power into. So rather than exclude the simple, corporations simply reduce complexity and include those that are too lazy to think.
It may sound slightly elitist, but I contribute the lowered media standards to the lazy and incompetent.

Regardless, it's pretty depressing when people "don't get it" if a linear story is presented in a non-linear fashion, in this case, how this series was presented.
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