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Old 2020-10-14, 15:37   Link #16
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Join Date: Sep 2011
I think he's having Hamazura and ITEM arrested for their own sakes. Remember, he's turning himself in for the crimes he's committed with the intention of staying inside so that all the hate will be focused on him as someone who willingly committed the acts he did. He knows he's looking at a life sentence a 1000x over.

But Hamazura and the others who were students of AC could he been stated to have been coerced into it and entered into the Dark Side unwillingly. Their testimonies would essentially nail every adult who was connected to the Dark Side while they could in theory be given a pass or at least leniency. More to the point, while they are locked up they can't be co-op'ed by someone who wants to gather all the remaining Dark Side forces to launch an attack against him or forced to do anything else scummy.

There's also the fact that once they clean house, the Parameter List could come into place. Remember, Level 0s only exist because they have the means of determining who will have decent powers and the giving them more dedication and resources. Without the focus on the Dark Side, they can basically make sure every Esper gets their development to the point they can make actual progress. That being said, the secrets of the Dark Side coming out will likely be met with a ton of parents demanding their children be returned to them because... well, look at this mess.

How do you think Mikoto's parents are going to feel about their daughter being cloned 20003 times over and half of them brutally murdered?

Last edited by Twi; 2020-10-14 at 15:52.
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