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Old 2006-08-11, 22:39   Link #306
Mr. Guy
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Angelsama
Having watched episode 05 a few times today, i can easily say i've fallen for Hitomi with a bang.. she's just so much more in-depth within the anime compared to the manga.. gawd i love her. >_<
I don't see it. There's only one instance in the episode that really had new development for her when compared to the manga (that scene should be obvious). Being my favorite character from the manga, I really thought I'd enjoy her at least equally in the anime. This is not the case. The reason the first encounter in the manga stood out to me was because of the front Kashiwa-sempai put on for Satou. In the anime, she's soft spoken and clearly if not depressed, severely sick of life. A similar impression was given in the manga but it had many more layers to it.

What that scene lacked was contrast. What the NHK anime in general lacks is contrast. The funny things were funny because they had a serious side and the serious things came off well because they were so different from the comedy. Everything in the anime seems to constantly be depressing in tone. And as much as I love the seiyuus (they're near perfect IMO) they simply cannot seem to be able to make the comedy work. Again, the whole encounter with Kashiwa-sempai was devoid of any kind of humor and the whole meeting with Misaki seemed heavily toned down as well.

On the positive side, I greatly appreciate any Kashiwa-sempai. Her seiyuu seems almost near perfect and has a sort of aura about her. That flashback scene is probably my favorite scene from the anime yet. Yamazaki is just as awesome as ever and Satou's a very nice interpretation as well. Hearing Misaki pronounce "Freud-san" was hilarious as well. That's something you really need to hear a voice to appreciate!

As a stand alone series, I can see myself finding enjoyment watching this series. But with knowledge of the manga it's just frustrating to watch. It doesn't help that GONZO seems to have a severely limited budget. Episode 5 is probably the best one yet but I think the reality of the whole situation is starting to dawn on me
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