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Old 2021-01-09, 21:13   Link #2600
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by The Green One View Post
Trump: "B...but....consequences are things that happen to other people, not me!"

Even Twitter can't stay quiet with this, with Trump inciting his underlings Twitter leaving the Tweets up could be viewed as silent support of Trump's activities and could involve legal culpability arguably. Even if the charges fail that's bad press no company wants. Banning the first world leader ever already sets a serious precedence but they had to after what happened.
Now maybe they can do something useful for once and ban the horde of phishing bots and propaganda accounts from other countries as well and do something about how people's accounts seem to get hacked with ease and turned into a propaganda zombie mouthpiece even with 2FA turned on

Like damn, this issue still remains unresolved after nearly 10 years
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