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Old 2021-01-29, 19:06   Link #9
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
Chapter 1002
Very surprising how this battle is unfolding. I am not impressed with Law, Killer, and Kidd. Right now Luffy and Zoro are the big improvements and carrying the rest of the Supernovas. Seeing Zoro deflect Kaidou's moves like its nothing is no surprise. But what surprises me Big Mama telling Kaidou to dodge Zoro's one style sword attack.


-Kidd and Killer will not survive this battle. There performance is lacking and they are not prepared. Law has a chance to survive this because of his devil fruit. This will be a close one for Law. Jimbi will have to show up to replace these sorry excuse for Luffy and Zoro's peers.

-Has for Marco vs. Queen and King, Marco will win has long has his Haki is stronger or equal. His Mystical Zoan gives him the edge over the ancient Zoan.

-Jimbi vs. Who's who will be a sad and pathetic fight. I won't be surprised if Oda does a quick fight for this one. Waste of time match up but sounds like it would be over kill if Jinbi, Luffy, and Zoro were fighting Kaidou and Big Mama. I won't be surprised if he knows how to use Advance armor haki like Luffy. Scratch that I am betting he knows it already.

-Has for Sanji, Nami, and Ussope. It would be interesting if they lose. Not because I want them too but to see a huge power gap between the New Monster Trio and the three weakling trio. Also I wonder if jealousy, anger, feeling of uselessness will cause friction between the Straw Hat crew. Sanji needs to fall before he becomes strong. He has been riding on the coat tails of Luffy and Zoro for some time now. Has for my prediction I think Sanji will lose. His performance even with the flying six has been bad.

-Franky vs. Sasaki Franky Franky will win. But it will be a close match and a good fight.
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