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Old 2021-02-07, 18:07   Link #449
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Why am I suddenly thinking of Suguha from SAO ?
Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
Given the kind of man Paul was/is, it's not surprising that Ghislaine is one of the asses that Paul has tapped in the past. But the fact that he still want to tap it now (aka. continue to cheat on his wife) just made his character sunk even lower in my eyes.
He didn't explicitly say he wanted at Ghislaine again like he did with Lilia (not that I would be surprised if he did), just that he doesn't want Rudy going after one of his former conquests. But Eris is open season .
That said, I'm glad that a violent entitled tsundere gets the beating that she deserves to feel what she has done to others. I really hope she learns from it. Also, since the tsundere is practically Rudy's cousin, I really hope the plot won't make her one of his harem, but who am I kidding here? This is a novel/anime for otakus after all.
I think Eris needed to be knocked down a peg and learn that it's not right to attack people like she attacked Rudy...but I don't think she deserved getting beaten to that extent during a very real kidnapping .
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