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Old 2006-08-13, 10:16   Link #203
I am mowing clowns
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Satsume
so I'm having a little trouble distinguishing! And none of the sites go into much detail, so.. this might be stupid, but how do you tell the two Platinums apart?
Well, it's actually rather easy: there is no other complete "Platinum" box-set. The only complete box-set of Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum is the thinpak version. That's it for now (or so it seems to me).

All the links you have are to the thinpak collection (you can tell by the retail price). If you check the ADV web site -- -- what they have released so far, for the Platinum edition, is:

- Volume 1 + Box

- Volumes 2-7 separate (that all fit into the above box)

- Complete Collection (thinpak)

If you want something else besides the thinpak collection, you'll need to collect all the separate DVDs along with the Volume 1 + Box release. I believe that's it so far. ADV might put out another complete box-set that is a non-thinkpak version later on, but I don't see anything official yet.

In the non-Platinum release, ADV is selling this:

- Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Perfect Collection

That is a non-thinpak box-set, but it isn't the Platinum release. Hope some of that helps. Cheers.
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