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Old 2021-03-23, 12:22   Link #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2005
^Personally, I'm not so sure that Orochi is keen on helping the Scabbards. Kanjurou, maybe (I wouldn't be surprised if his heel turn were just a cover and he's actually still loyal to the rebel side after all), but I find it hard to see the shogun making a truce with his sworn enemies, even under the current circumstances. Personally, I still kinda think he's being assisted by Fukurokuju (who slipped away shortly after Orochi's "execution" earlier, remember)....

Oh, and speaking of Orochi, we can also add him to the growing list of Zoans whose hybrid forms weren't revealed yet (so that should include the all-stars, about half the Tobi Roppou, Yamato, Momo (no way is that artificial fruit a "failure")....).
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