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Old 2021-07-13, 10:30   Link #274
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Now we have vampires in this universe? I guess this show is going to touch on as many supernatural and fantasy concepts as it can get to .

So while we were all worried about Clayman, it seems like the true mastermind behind everything is...Yuuki!? And he probably manipulated Hinata into being biased against Tempest too. What is his game? Why did he revive a Demon Lord and take out Rimuru? What is his game? He seemed so reasonable and understanding before .

Turns out that busty elf lady from the previous Opening who never showed up is Demon Lord Kazaream in an artificial body. So I guess we should think of him as a guy in a woman's body? Plus with Yui Ishikawa's voice. He seems frustrated that he's not as strong as he used to be, but I wonder if he's enjoyed any of the perks of his new female body .

So looks like they're going to instigate Walpurgis to bring all the Demon Lords together for...something, which Clayman is driving, and he's got Frey and Milim on his side .

I love Veldora just walking in still as boastful as ever but in normal clothes. And then everybody realizes who he actually is .

Poor Fuze reacting to everything like a normal person because no one gives him any warning .

Well, Gazel and Elalude are unsurprisingly kind of surprised at Veldora, but in the end it's still the better move to continue to ally with Tempest .

It's kind of hilarious to think a blonde cutie like Eren helped create a Demon Lord .

Well, I kind of feel bad for any of the families of those soldiers Rimuru killed now that they don't have any bodies to bury and there's going to be a coverup to hide what really happened...and Rimuru's just smiling about it because he feels pretty comfortable doing that stuff now if he feels he has to. I guess they really didn't luck out being soldiers of Falmuth .

Turns out Hinata is, normally, a pretty reasonable and noble person, she's just biased against monsters because of the church she's a part of and because of Yuuki's manipulations. Shion, Diablo, and even Veldora all want to take her on, but Rimuru just wants to keep the peace until they have to deal with them again. I can't think we're not going to get a rematch between her and Rimuru at some point .

Oh hey, Ramiris! You were in last season's Opening too but never appeared. And now she's bringing in even more proclamation's of Tempest's doom with her. Not the best way to make a reintroduction .
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