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Old 2021-10-10, 03:43   Link #10829
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
I always liked the idea of the introduction of mana and magic as a base element to a universe brings drastic changes as well. In most stories mana and magic is 100% helpful to humans save for enemy creatures also being able to use it. Realistically, the introduction of such a potent widespread and easily malleable energy, without tools no less, would have exponential reactions with other base elements.

Sometimes it's just basic things, like the introduction of mithril, adamantite and whatnot. A useful yet very common example of its presence affecting the development of metals. On the other hand, sometimes we see convenient magic-oriented diseases, or curses. But then natural disasters that function using existing energies, such as earthquakes essentially being the result of thermal energy and lightning being the result of kinetic energy fun, we rarely ever see mana cause anything or even modify existing ones.

However, among the changes in the nonstop free-for-all battle of elementary particles, there could be changes to things that make them much different. Perhaps it's harder or even impossible to produce a fire through the means of a 'normal' chemical reaction. Maybe electricity is hard to produce, maybe it's hard to store, or maybe it can't be readily transported over long distances. Mana might be a natural jammer for radio waves. Could be that the introduction and mutations caused by mana dulls the human innate desire to build and create to an extent.

tl;dr bro I wanna see a massive mana-powered tornado doing some real weird shit.
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