Thread: Licensed Revue Starlight Movie
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Old 2021-12-27, 11:38   Link #12
Happy Sphere
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Texas
Yep. The movie did a good job of answering the question: Now what? Each of the girls, but Karen in particular, had successfully reached an ending. I liked that it didn't just treat them as a singular package that would somehow move through live and their professional careers always together. Instead, they each have to struggle to find new beginnings.

The animation was very good this time around. It's not over the top flashy like a Fate movie or anything, but it was consistently in line with the high points of the series. The songs were all excellent. I was a little worried because I didn't like the remixes they did for the Rondo Rondo Rondo recap movie, but there was nothing to fear. The six Revues were splendid shows of light and sound.

All in all, the movie was both cute and bombastic. It was dripping with symbolism, but in a way to give the scene and Revues another layer of meaning. If this is to be the last major Revue Starlight story I'd be very happy to have it end here.

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