Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Lord El Melloi II Case Files - Anime Discussion
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Old 2021-12-31, 23:14   Link #477
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Join Date: Aug 2013
I see Waver was winning hearts even back in his student days, not that he knew it at the time (especially when almost everyone else looked down on him in Kayneth's class) .

I love how Waver plays online RPG's and spend so much time on the character creator trying to make himself look like Iskandar .

Be open to making friends, Olga-Marie !

Were Amleth and Camus betrothed or something? Like, obviously he screwed her over and that basically incited the plot but they seemed kind of connected beyond being business partners in the present-day. He definitely seemed kind of irritated by her obvious feelings for Waver .

Is that Satoshi Hino I hear ?

Man, Camus really went from a dorky, bobbed, cutie to sexy CEO lady in a powersuit fairly successfully .

I'm glad Adashino got to see teen Waver. And the whole class got to see teen Waver .

I love how Reines shows up as Waver's escort in a sexy red dress and then starts chugging the wine like a champ (which is probably one of the main reasons she came in the first place). And we get smol Reines too. But still just as smug .

It really did feel like a reunion where you see the guy who got married and loves their wife's cooking (even if it lets them put on pounds), the divorced lady, and the stuck-up snob who turned into a meager office worker. Life never goes quite how you expected it too when you were young and confident .

In hindsight, Amleth really should've been asking himself why someone whose life he ruined would want to help him and save his business .

Camus was the culprit with the revenge motive, but the surprise villainess (and additional sex appeal) of the piece was Touko Aozaki, although her motivation was simply helping out a "friend" even if it meant keeping a bunch of people trapped in a memory for perpetuity. Also, dang she looks hot in glasses .

I don't think I've ever heard Yuko Kaida's softer, higher-pitched, voice before compared to the more normal voice she used for Camus .

Nothing puts it together quite like being an outside observer to Camus' obvious crush, or how the photos she gave you like a love letter was never opened before you went off to the Holy Grail War. Obviously Waver can't return her feelings because he doesn't feel he deserves them and he's too much on the path to becoming worthy of Iskandar, but at least he responded and let her see herself as she was one last time .

I guess it's good that Camus was acquitted given she was initially the victim in all this and there was no permanent harm done, beyond losing her own ability to be a mage permanently and being completely cut off from this world, which I guess is punishment enough. She and Waver will probably never see each other again, but at least she's made peace with her feelings and can move on .

I love everyone cramped together for Christmas watching a movie that Waver is projecting from a simple machine .
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