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Old 2022-04-01, 23:12   Link #40
Join Date: May 2004
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Late response time:

I mean, I get where you guys are coming from, but it's not like those aforementioned Luffy moments I pointed out didn't also take place during high-stakes situations. Though to be fair, I do agree that having the entire fight be slapstick would ruin the mood, yes. But I think I've followed this series long enough to trust Oda to keep a proper balance between comedy and tragedy..... especially during an arc's climax. Heck, this chapter even had Luffy reciting the names of the people he's been risking his life for this whole time, so it's not like the series jumped the shark as soon as soon as Gear 5 manifested itself, contrary to how many others may feel at the moment. As I said before, Gear 5 is essentially the evolution of all those other goofy techniques Luffy used in the past, and following the pattern of those past fights, I think we'll see the zaniness wind down a bit as the rubber man gets more familiar with his new powers....
if Luffy fights Akainu or something I don't want to see Akainu's eyes pop out or him turn into something wacky... that ruins the entire tone of the fight AND akainu's character for me

that's what i mean when i don't want this "toon" power to be overused and overwhelming
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