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Old 2022-04-26, 17:03   Link #108
Speedy Sea Cucumber
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Originally Posted by Twi View Post
It feels like the author wrote them with a handicap to screw them over and justify why the only person who didn't have any sort of knowledge from a similar game (he played a different kind) managed to get ahead of them by the Second Wave and completely render them inert by the Third Wave. The fact that it comes from Naofumi's PoV makes it worse because we only see the aftermath of what they do and often only the bad stuff, completely invalidating anything positive they do. At this point, they basically exist to make a mess for Naofumi to clean up, which was fine before the Pope Fight but it should have ended there.
Hmm... I'm not sure I understand why you seem to want them to take on a greater relevance. I mean do you expect the reverse harem to be fully fleshed out in something like MobuSeka? Generally they exist to be mocked -- though they might do some interesting things here and there. We got less of the three stooges than we actually should have this season though the net result is basically the same regardless of skipped content.
Someone mentioned the slavery angle was a gimmick at this point to lure readers of that type of thing in. It's a stupidly popular thing in Isekai and this is no different. Naofumi started low so he needed to surpass them to show even with all the handicaps he managed to come out on top of those who looked down on him.
I'm not really sure what to say for the slavery thing in Shield Hero but they've actually shown the brands being removed which in other series I've seen never really happens. Its a bit more tasteful and feels more temporary than in other isekai.
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