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Old 2022-07-20, 07:32   Link #5
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
I think the age of honest, civil discourse is long gone. Anime fans are increasingly more likely to hack you or swat you if you dare to not agree with them. I honestly feel the mid 2000s was the best time to become an anime fan. Access to titles had started to open up but not too much. You could find enough people that only shared your view to a point but were civil and gave you a different perspective that was worth discussing. You had to be patient for material to appear and grateful when something good appeared. It honestly felt like a community vibe was worth it. The days around here in the late 00s/early 10s were really something.

And then everything became shill and/or degeneracy communities/channels. I honestly believe streaming has made the anime fandom a worse place. I'm chilled to think of what it would be like now to try and become an anime fan. In short, I honestly feel that the bigger Youtubers, the various communities and news sites - they are blatantly telling you want to them. Because they're either sponsored and want that money to keep rolling in, or they are so entitled now they would probably feel killing you over merely disagreeing about their favourite show/character as being utterly justified. And with that, what is being adapted/written is getting narrower and repetitive. Which makes for the rare exception to be very worthwhile, but the wait for one keeps getting longer.
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