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Old 2022-08-16, 09:22   Link #9
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
There's a very unusual sale going on with Rightstuf atm...

A lot of titles that don't normally get any significant discounts - Ghibli, Shinkai, Kon, lesser known movies (from ages ago and about to be released) along with a few series - are 33% off.

I think they're about to clear out their stock and unleash price hell once the existing stock is gone as well as relinquish a lot of titles.

I did a tally of acquired anime (A very major chunk of it purchased in the last 12 months) and ones I still want to get from a list of anime I rate 8/10 or higher. It's about 140 titles and I own ~100 of them. 10 of them are probably never getting licensed in English so it's realistically about 30 left. I've ordered 15 of them tonight. I think I can aim for another 10 during Black Friday, Christmas or spot sales like the current one. A few may never go down due to the Aniplex factor and I might have to search very hard to find a fair price on them.

Here's my other concern - do you think that with a monopoly like this that Crunchyroll will abandon physical and even digital sales, condemning everything to streaming services only? And that when licenses run out, those titles are lost forever? I honestly fear that is what is about to come to pass. If so, welcome to hell, newer gen of anime fans.
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