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Old 2022-09-14, 23:28   Link #104
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Michio’s realization of his newfound mortality, it makes sense makes sense that he’d want to write a will. I also appreciate that he was willing to free Roxanne with his death even if I think he could just as well do it now with the place they are at in their relationship .

But it was nice to see how loyal and dedicated to Michio Roxanne is, to the point that she swears to prevent him from dying before her. That’s relationship goals right there !

Michio doesn’t really seem to have a goal outside of living a nice life with his Harem .

I love how Michio was trying to be open to the new party member not being a woman even though we all knew it would be .

Roxanne really just wanted to see her old caretaker, huh ?

Sherry seems like a cute dwarf with a surprisingly tight and sexy outfit despite her age and personality. A little too tall to count as a loli too. But her anxious and timid personality is kind of cute .

I’m genuinely curious how Sherry and Roxanne ended up as slaves. I feel like there’s a story there, especially in terms of their history (or lack there of) with the labyrinth. And Sherry’s failure in becoming a blacksmith .

Is Roxanne a little jealous? I can see a part of her wanting to continue the life of just herself and Michio .

Of course the two men are going to discuss the sex aspect privately .

Michio has mastered the art of haggling, though his discount ability helps .

Roxanne asserting dominance as first wife…I mean, first slave. But she basically is his wife .
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