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Old 2022-10-04, 19:10   Link #862
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by ramlaen View Post
Would you accept anything less than an unconditional surrender by Russia?
I mean Ukraine has made clear their war aims are strictly retaking their territory that Russia has illegally annexed. Russia could accommodate that simply by returning to their pre-2014 borders, and not a single boot of a foreign soldier would set foot in Russia's internationally recognized territory. Russia could probably also get sanctions lifted if they leveraged both gas and what Ukrainian citizens they've effectively mass abducted.

That's hardly asking for Russia to submit themselves to unconditional surrender.
Originally Posted by Sugetsu View Post
My solution is to tell Zelensky to stop promoting war publicly, even if it costs him his popularity. Ukraine wouldnt be on the map today if the US didnt come to its aid. It is clear that the US/West want to escalate this war and would like to continue for a long time to come, the sings are all there, after all, the west had to resort to sending UK's prime minister to break up a possible peace deal between Ukraine and Russia during the early stages of this war.
And if Zelensky says no? And orders his generals to continue thrashing what remains of Russia's professional army with what NATO and Warsaw pact weaponry they've already been provided? Zelensky is now imminently provoking Russia to nuclear war, and asking him to stop is doing nothing.

What now?
Originally Posted by Sugetsu View Post
The obvious way to defeat Putin, in my opinion, is by engaging him in very public televised peace talks and put his moral compass to the test. One wrong answer and his political popularity would suffer. If I told him directly that the Ukraine will never join NATO and thus this war should come to a swift end, then he would be forced to publicly agree or attempt to make a contrived excuse to keep the war going. Then it would be plain as day that he had imperial intentions all along.
I'm pretty sure Putin having Imperial intentions was obvious when he made a speech about how Ukraine was a make believe country, then tried to conquer it all at once.

As for the obvious way to "defeat" Putin...So Putin is both a deranged suicidal mad man who might start World War 3 and Armageddon if he's not allowed to annex territory from one of his neighbors...but he's also one clever public debate testing his moral compass away from realizing the error of his ways? Does it strike you that seems a bit improbable?
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