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Old 2022-10-05, 07:45   Link #869
formerly ogon bat
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Mexico
Age: 53
Originally Posted by kari-no-sugata II View Post
I wasn't going to post this but since there seems to be some interest in the topic:
Even though the washington post is not 100% accurate (no newspaper is), I think it is more feasible that they are right and Elon Musk is lying (he has done so before in twitter, anyone here remembers when he said he had secured saudi arabia funding to make tesla private)

Originally Posted by ramlaen View Post
Donating tens of millions worth of critical communication equipment isn't profiting from a crisis.
Let's for a moment entertain the thought that musk payed said "tens of millions worth" of equipment, even then he is making a profit thanks to all the worldwide free publicity his internet service got, simple business sense.

North Vietnam was not ejected from South Vietnam, did you mean the Korean wars?
The USA was ejected from Vietnam (to never return), is that such a diffficult concept to grasp?

What major conflicts were there between Vietnam and Desert Storm where the US was not involved because of the results of the Vietnam war?
That is a funny one, you really believe the USA did not partake in any major more military adventures for decades after vietnam because there were no opportunities? One example of how scared the USA was of starting any major conflict was the invasion of Granada or the special military operation to oust panama strongman Manuel Noriega by reagan, those were smallish well planed operations with little room for failure. Had the Vietnam war been successful Lybia or Iran would have come next.

Please stop, portraying Russians as horned glowing eyed devils with asperations of world domination is just comical.
Reading comprehension problems much? I clearly stated putin is the egomaniac with world domination dreams. The average russian is no such devil, as can be seen by the thousand fleeing the draft. One thing is buy a Z flag or shirt because the mass media tells them it is the patriotic thing to do and another one is to want to kill people they consider their slavic brothers.
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