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Old 2022-10-18, 10:57   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 1064 [manga]

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That time is upon us! Credit goes to AP's Redon and co. for spoiler info:

-Chapter title is "Egghead Lab Phase". The ministory confirms that Van Augur and Kuzan (aka former admiral Aokiji) have kidnapped Pudding! What's more, it's confirmed that Kuzan is a member of the Blackbeard crew!!!

-Law vs. Blackbeard continues! In addition to using his awakened powers against the emperor, it's revealed that his crew are experts at fighting in the sea, since they grew up around the cold waters of North Blue! They back up their captain during the fight, who manages to land a nasty blow on Teach! Augur suggests retreating to the ship, but the emperor refuses.... as Blackbeard's way is to only move forward. We then cut to BB's ship.... where we see Pudding is held hostage. Her third eye is visible (no confirmation yet whether her hidden ability is awakened or not), and she seems to imply that Big Mom may be dead, since she threatens that Linlin would have crushed them if she were still alive. Back outside, the two captains are still in the heat of battle. We then briefly cut to the marine HQ, where Akainu receives a report about the battle between both pirate crews, which is taking place at "Winner Island".

-Meanwhile, back at Egghead, Bonney, who's still upset about Kuma, turned the rest of Luffy's group into different ages so they could give the Pacifista the slip! Jinbei then summarizes what he knows about Kuma: He was reputed to be the evil tyrant king of the Sorbet kingdom, until he was forced into exile by his own country's people.... which led to him becoming a pirate. He then joined the Revolutionary Army, but was eventually caught by the marines and sentenced to death. However, he was saved by Vegapunk, who was impressed by his great strength, and in exchange for becoming the doctor's test subject, the former king was spared and allowed to return to sea as one of the warlords. However, in Bonney's eyes, becoming a cyborg practically WAS a death sentence for her father. She also objects to the rumor of him being a tyrant, saying he simply hated the World Government.... which makes her believe he was coerced into working with them. She also notes her father told her that he's part of a special race.....

-Back to Zoro's group, Zoro and Brooke stay on the Sunny while the rest disembark at Egghead's "Lab Phase" with Vegapunk Lilith. The environment is essentially a recreation of the sky islands, interestingly enough. The crew then get a change of clothes before entering the lab. Within said lab, Vegapunk Shaka gets in touch with.... Dragon! He tells the RA leader that Vhe feels his own death is near.....!!!!

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Last edited by marvelB; 2022-10-20 at 14:17.
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