Thread: Licensed Yuru Camp△ The Movie
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Old 2022-11-26, 13:25   Link #13
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
Finished watching the movie. I probably would have been a bit sad if I had thought this was the last Yuru Camp installment, but since a third season has been announced since then, I was able to enjoy it fully.

Seeing the girls as adults was a treat. I'm glad none of them lost touch, even if it was hard for them to get all together due to their various responsibilities. Rin's job in particular seemed harsh, she even worked on New Year's Eve FFS. Nadeshiko's job was like the opposite, regular hours with a really cool boss who doesn't even mind her directing customers to their rival, and it's camping related to boot! She really landed a good one. Probably doesn't get paid anywhere as much as Rin, but being able to maintain a balanced life is far more important than money IMO.
Inuko was a good fit as a teacher. Ena's job is also pretty nice, being around dogs all day. Chiaki's job was the Rin type I guess, but it didn't really seem like she was being worked to the bone.

The five of them coming back together for a campsite project was a great idea. Had its ups and downs, but everything ended up working out in the end. Gotta admire their dedication to put so much of their free time into hard unpaid work. Liked how they struggled with some stuff at the beginning and eventually got the hang of it thanks to some kind helpers. They somehow still messed up badly for their opening day, thankfully they managed to fix things thanks to the trusty moped.

Overall a very positive movie. I felt silly at the end for thinking stuff like Rin's grandpa being dead (since she inherited his motorcycle and all) or Chikuwa being so old he would die (that scene were he was walking super slowly had me going "oh nonono").

Oh and I really liked the scene where Nadeshiko brought Rin to that super hidden Onsen in the mountains. I was about as shocked as Rin when they got there
Rize and Kaneki
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