Thread: Licensed Date A Live [Light Novel]
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Old 2023-03-14, 17:25   Link #19805
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
Mukuro is getting a new figure. It's based on one of Tsunako's more risque illustrations of Mukuro, albeit one that would result in an R-18 figure if the original illustration were followed exactly. The actual figure appears to be a censored version with "censor hair" instead.

Speaking of censorship, was the fourth season of the DAL anime censored in one way? Tsunako (DAL's character designer) "thinks revealing designs are cute," and she clearly likes skimpier outfits for the Inverse forms of the spirits, but I think that the Inverse forms of Mukuro and Nia were censored from the get-go, assuming they were designed by Tsunako in the first place (were they?). Mukuro wears a less-revealing outfit for her Inverse form than she does for her normal Astral Dress in DAL4, for one thing, which clearly breaks the "Inverse forms of Spirits wear less" pattern that Tsunako has long established.

Has there been any word on when (or if) the DAL5 anime will be released?
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