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Old 2023-04-17, 13:04   Link #54
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Yuuya is going on a shopping trip! And he's turning heads (both male and female)! Not great for his social anxiety, but pretty amusing all the same .

It seems Yuuya's version of "politely turn down" ladies is being a natural ladykiller .

In desperate need of a male model? Why not rope in the hottest guy in the mall! And Yuuya gets to play boyfriend to a hot professional model named Miu who gets nice, close and personal with him...arms linked, exposed cleavage in front of his eyes, boobs pressed against him, the full course !

All the while he's getting chummy with a female model a princess is determined to find him and dragging her knights with him. I wonder soon if every woman in two worlds will want to get at Yuuya .

Playing pretend couple is fun and all, and Yuuya and Miu look pretty handsome together, but what's really meaningful is when they actually get to know each other and form a legitimate emotional connection...which even gets the perfect photo from the photographer .

Ugh, what a piece of trash. He doesn't take the work seriously, shows up super late, and then tries to put the moves on Miu when she's clearly uncomfortable. Wrong time for a kabedon, dude! Though I wasn't expecting Yuuya to outright judo throw him .

Miu has fallen hard for Yuuya! Too bad he doesn't want to enter into modeling yet when he's still so young and inexperienced...though is Miu too old to go to Ousei? Looks like her agency wants him, though they framed that scene oddly sinister for a modeling agency .

Well, Lexia wanted to find Yuuya, so recreating the same situation where she and her knights are about to be killed until he shows up ends up actually achieving that! And of course she proposes marriage a minute into properly meeting him for the first time because this show knows what it is .
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