Thread: Licensed Berserk [Manga]
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Old 2023-05-07, 18:22   Link #1210
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Join Date: Nov 2017
Originally Posted by foxbox360 View Post
Griffith can't leave him alone can he.
Griffith was always possessive and more. Emulates the people that has said or done things to him and he wants a hold of his dream and anything he feels has a place for it. The only reason he has anything against Guts is the fact that Guts decided to walk away and create his own path that his friend would truly respect when they met again. Griffith didn't allow himself to be vulnerable enough to even convince Guts to stay, when he was running his mouth off to a princess, never knowing Guts was within earshot. When it comes to Casca, she was one of the people willing to fight for Griffith and his dream and then she falls in love with Guts, while he was being tortured for his private time with the princess in discussion, not even knowing that her father was a twisted perverted person.

Griffith puts all his failures on Guts (at least that's what I think so far), not even considering that if he had just talked to Guts, things probably would have turned out differently, a possibility anyway. Being fair, those two had lived through the worst of what the times were in the era they lived in, so it left them to be people to not show vulnerability most times. Griffith put all his hopes into the Belhelit to reclaim what he had lost by his own hands the second he was unable to keep Guts at his side. Casca is one of them for reasons that I'm sure that has been worked in theory as to why he kidnapped Casca, and one reason I can come up that's not a theory is because Griffith knows Guts cares for her and wanted to rip any happy thing away from his life.

You can have all that power and still be insecure. And that's any person in history that has ever ruled like that elsewhere. He has to use a supernatural occurrence to get the best of the person you hurt, because you believed he hurt you by leaving him, when he was doing what he thought you wanted him to do to be a true equal. To quote a fictional character who became the evil who couldn't comprehend his actions in a certain RPG game "What an all-mighty idiot"!

Of course, the stooges surrounding him who follows him out of good deeds are unaware of his action that would make them say "F that S, I'm out" if they knew what he has done to get this far. Rickert was right to slap that guy.
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