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Old 2006-08-23, 09:50   Link #258
Kinny Riddle
Gone for Good
Join Date: Apr 2004
The tournament resumes today. Starting with Block E of which all Haruhi-ists (and anti-Haruhi-ists) will be getting excited about.

Spoiler for Aug 24th entries:

Current voting thread

Now I'd certainly like to see the so-called "anti-Haruhi-ists" topple THE Haruhi with two characters that can be considered minor. Tsuruya and Ryoko were beaten because they were in the same group as popular characters with established fanbases (Eri from School Rumble over Tsuruya, and Tamaki from ToHeart2 over Ryoko).

Which leads me to ask: if there are "anti-Haruhi-ists", where are the "anti-School Rumble" and "anti-TH2" people? The backlash may be huge for Haruhi, but there wouldn't be a backlash if there wasn't an equal amount of support, if not greater, out there. So I wouldn't be too pessimistic for the SuzuHaru girls just yet.
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