Thread: Crunchyroll Rurouni Kenshin (new TV series)
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Old 2023-07-27, 22:33   Link #107
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Join Date: Aug 2013
It's nice to see Yahiko committing to his training while Kenshin uses his sword to, of all things, break wood. Because that's totally the last thing you'd expect a samurai, let alone a manslayer, to do! Plus we've got Kaoru using her grandfather's personal artwork to make money, I guess when you're strapped for cash it's fine to use your deceased family to your advantage. Not that it improves Yahiko's opinion of Kaoru .

That's Mamiko Noto as Tae!? Wow, wasn't expecting that .

It's all well and good to promote democracy and equality for all, but if you're going to be a rowdy drunk and involve innocent people, that makes you no better than common thugs. Which makes it all the more noticeable when a real man steps up and utterly schools these bullies when they lay hands on a lady .

Taku Yashiro as Sanosuke Sagara! He comes off kind of rough and cocky, but he's got a good heart and can not only tank a punch and push your hidden weapon back into your hand but also knock you flat with one finger. Truly a man's man. Of course he acts all cool and confident but also ends up dine and dashing which kind of negates the coolness a little .

The Hiruma brothers are back? Man, the police are so ineffectual they can't even keep the villains from the first episode in jail. And now they're hiring "Zanza" to take out Kenshin. And also having the younger brother cosplay as Sanosuke for comedy purposes .

Kenshin doesn't want to fight Sanosuke, but even if Sanosuke didn't see Kenshin as a worthy opponent perfect for a real fight, Kenshin's involvement with the Imperialists is enough to make him want to take Kenshin down. Sanosuke's definitely seems to have a lot more going on with him than he appears at first glance .

I love how Kenshin and Sanosuke realized the brothers were there the whole time and planned to shoot Kenshin but put an immediate kibbosh on that plan. This is just about them, not the brothers and their latest scheme. Though it's kind of sad that Kaoru still seems to care about Kihei .

Not often you see man effectively wielding a zanbato, perfect for smashing with, though while Kenshin is faster than Sanosuke and sends him flying like he does everybody else, he's got an inhumanly sturdy body and endurance that enables him to be the first man to tank a hit from Kenshin and get back up ready to fight. This fight definitely isn't over yet !
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