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Old 2023-07-28, 16:00   Link #38
Cyclone Magnum
Join Date: Apr 2004
The way Kazuya locked a hold on Mini and took her into the bathroom to hash it out was hilarious. These two could be the brother/wing-sister type relationship the show needs.

I guess Umi had multiple intentions on asking Chizuru out. Can't blame a guy for trying, although we don't know the circumstances of why he broke up with his other girlfriend. Too bad for this plotline, because I really thought he was a genunine friend in the theater circle. But of course, because of this plotline, we get Chizuru's non-committal answer, which really is an answer.

It was nice to see Chizuru being very enthusiastic and happy about the show she just watched. Don't think we've seen this side of her for a long long time. If only she could be this honest about her feelings to Kazuya.

Anyways, Ruka joins the flyer handing duo and is happy Chizuru is away on a hot date while Kazuya sulks. Chizuru shows up later having turned down Umi's advances (guess he'll have to eat alone) and Kazuya can't help but taking glances at his crush - and Ruka was probably facing away to not even notice this).

Umi did live up to helping Chizuru as social media and crowdfunding interest spiked just before the end of the campaign. Mini and Ruka almost look like twins high fiving each other, and we see Chizuru with another genuine happy smile!
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