Thread: HiDive Dark Gathering
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Old 2023-11-26, 12:39   Link #101
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Join Date: Aug 2013
This wrathful child ghost has a hankering for meatballs! Human meatballs, that is! That he projects as his vile and murderous step-mother. Honestly I don't blame Keitaro for puking .

I actually have to appreciate the kid went to the trouble of drawing Eiko's braided hair in his illustration. I know it's spiritual magic, but still .

Okay, they need to remove the kids' sketchbook, but!? Especially when he nabs Yayoi even with her finger lightsaber. Though smart of Keitaro to prioritize saving Yayoi, he knew there was no way they could get out of this without her, even if it meant Eiko having to leave him .

Good job Eiko! Luckily she's got a "Gal Pal" to take some of the blows for her, though Yayoi ends up saving her from the spectres of the step-mom and her murderous lover with some nice assist from the alien ghost .

Props for the plan Eiko! Sometimes all you need to do is just hit a kid with a rock .

This kid is very in he has a whole legion of hands that can consume him and transform him into an even more dangerous form even without his sketchbook (which you can also see in the OP). So this fight is definitely not done .

"Come at me motherf#$%er" Yayoi-chan, language !

We were waiting for it all episode but the Graduate is finally unleashed! Though not before making sure she got hit so she'd target the boy immediately instead of our trio. Because you don't want to get on the wrong end of Otogiri Oiran, the Soul-Sucking Courtesan .

Well, figures the kid would see Otogiri as his mom, though he scrapes her skin and he ends up having to deal with her soul-sucking butterflies that enrich her beauty as she sucks the vitality of anything in her vicinity while also infecting him from the same pestilence she dealt with while she was alive...though the kid recovers quick with some meatballs from the spirits around him. This fight isn't over yet .

The last phase of Otogiri's curse is instigated by making her see her decayed and corpse-like face, reminding her of her past as a top tier courtesan who had everything going for her...her beauty, her prestiege, a man who was willing to buy her freedom whom she cherished, and even an apprentice...until said apprentice Kurenai poisoned her man, said man beating her and ruining her body in a rage, and Otogiri left desperate to restore her beauty to clear her name even as she completely falls apart and loses everything. I honestly can't blame her for burning herself and Kurenai alive in her last act. And that's her final act as a ghost too, a self-sacrificing Burning Manse that consumes her and her opponent as she laughs maniacally. And Yoko Hikasa knows how to laugh crazy .
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