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Old 2023-12-08, 19:47   Link #536
User of the "Fast Draw"
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I'm sure for Himmel it was a choice that felt destined. Frieren is the closest thing to eternal as you can get in that world. A gift that represents eternal love somehow feels truly appropriate. He didn't pick the ring, but I appreciate the flourish of him putting it on her finger.

In the end with Frieren and Himmel timing is somewhat a factor. It took until his death for her to truly come to grasp with the shortness of human life and the regrets of not spending more time with him or getting to know him better. In that sense it's probably why he didn't say anything even up to his death. I think her feelings and understanding will steadily grow as this journey goes along. Could make for a truly emotional reunion if the meeting with the spirits really does work out.

The Fern and Stark stuff remains really cute. They are building that up nicely. Fern's angry pouting remains an absolute treat. Just the near hissing reflecting how grumpy she was over it was great. Have seen her lay into Stark verbally enough to know she could go for it if she was really upset. So I'm sure his reaction was proper for whatever she said.

I like the stuff about the present shopping. It took hours, but they found the right thing. A trial for Stark since sure the "pick anything" option on the surface sounds easy, but that's a huge trial in itself! Not a bad call on his part to basically check out everything he could find until getting a visual reaction that she liked it. All the more of a tricky way to do it considering Fern's poker face .

And a good pointer by Sein that should come in handy. Fern has to push through sometimes and say how she truly feels. Especially for a fool like Stark it won't get across otherwise.

Just a good episode overall. The bracelet presents for both are cute and all the more so with the meaning behind Fern's getting revealed long after the gift has been given .
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