Thread: HiDive Dark Gathering
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Old 2023-12-10, 12:41   Link #108
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Join Date: Aug 2013
The trio managed to survive another successful yet dangerous night of ghost-busting, although just in time to realize that while they've been away Ai's been in a train accident, the God and the Spectre of Death have exchanged blows and words, and things are rapidly escalating around them .

And, unfortunately, Golden Week is over so the trios' movement is limited, especially for Yayoi who still has to go to school. She wants to immediately ditch and focus on helping Ai, but she doesn't want to do wrong by the Hozuki's for taking her in by slacking off in her studies...though luckily Keitaro and Eiko are already planning to head to Kyoto for Ai !

Some random Goth Loli shows up out of nowhere, says she goes to your school and has the same supernatural sight as you, and wants to go searching for ghosts with you? There are, like, all the red flags hanging over this situation. Though she didn't technically lie about going to the same school, Dorothy was a real girl, one who was just really freaked out by Yayoi and all the spirits hanging around her (that samurai looked cool!). Except that's not really Dorothy in that body .

Intellectually I knew Yayoi probably had to go to school but it feels weird seeing her in a normal class setting. And she actually has people she talks to, if not friends then people who don't avoid her, like the class rep trying to keep her in-check along with her gal pals or the class tough guy always picking a challenge with her. And of course Dorothy ropes them all into investigating the seven haunts of the school. More and more red flags !

There aren't any really dangerous spirits and the seven haunts are nothing more than just typical school least until Dorothy marks the walls and sends the spirits on a path to consume each other and feed a spirit with murder on the mind and that consumes the entire school when they release it, trapping Yayoi and the other kids .

And who is this bloodthirsty spirit? A bullied teacher who was framed for touching one of his students and lost his family in the process, who killed himself (with shears!) and cursed his students out of revenge. And now he haunts the school playing a deadly game of hide-and-seek with kids, whom he sees as nothing more than the same students who mistreated him, as he hunts them down to consume their souls. I wonder if he already got his original class ?

Dang it, Dai-chan! You never relax or leave your hiding spot in these kinds of stories! I wonder is he really killing these kids or just mentally breaking their very essence? He was left a shell of himself who could only say "I'm sorry" but is he past the point where Yayoi can save him when they deal with the ghost ?

Poor class rep...phones never really work in horror movies, and when it seems like they do, it's all just a trap. All this girl is guilty of is ditching after-school tutoring once. Luckily it seems like Yayoi DOES save her next week, but they still have to deal with this thing and Dorothy as well .
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