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Old 2024-02-14, 14:59   Link #86
AS Oji-kun
Join Date: Nov 2006
Age: 74
The obvious resolution is for Elise to do something medically significant and still become Empress. That would, of course, cause an earthquake in this patriarchal world. Her duties as Empress would normally consist of making babies and attending balls. Still, it's not out of the question for the conflict to be resolved this way given the feminist leanings of many stories in this genre.

Sounds to me like she will take and pass the exams regardless of the final resolution.

Do we know what the king's counselor has against our girl Elise? Simple over-protectiveness of his king? His dislike of her seems visceral though. Maybe one of those inter-clan rivalries? If so, Elise hasn't seemed to identify that as the reason.

Wonder if Juliane will still be so anxious to have a tea party with Elise?
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