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Old 2024-02-18, 10:49   Link #123
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Things are going well! Elsie and Kamil avoided getting punished, Theodore and Arnold are working together as princes for the betterment of the slums and the kingdom, and Rishe is getting very chummy with her brother-in-law! Especially in the purpose of helping Arnold !

I guess it would be too much for Rishe to just invite Arnold to their villa without any ulterior motives...but her ulterior motives are a turn-on for him, so it all works out .

Rishe doesn't take Arnold's flattery or genuine praise as honest as he intends it, but she's also a bold-faced liar when she says all she does is relax instead of doing reckless stuff...heck, she just outright tells him she wants to spar with him! And how can Arnold deny his wife ?

Rishe in pants! And with one arm bound behind her back! Arnold may not find anything beautiful in fighting to kill, but when it comes to sword training he's pretty to fight with only one arm, one eye, and even one leg if need be. But that's just what makes him so formidable .

Rishe vs Arnold Round 2 (Round 3 if you count their dance)! Arnold leads most of the fight and it takes all Rishe has to keep him on her toes, but she takes his pointers seriously and even improves herself mid-fight. She also remembers fighting him before and knows how to dodge him...though that also makes Arnold unknowingly jealous of his future self that ended up killing her, which is...surreal, to say the least .

I guess it would be too much to expect Rishe to beat Arnold, at least at this point, especially when her body is barely keeping up with her...but it's the perfect excuse for Arnold to princess carry his wife for all to see. The only thing more priceless than Rishe's scream is the maids watching the romance between husband and wife .

Can't wait for the date out in the town between Arnold and Rishe !

I thought Rishe was going to ask about Arnold's mom, but she wanted to know his birthday? So she could obviously get him something? She even asks about his type of woman, she's getting so flustered over this prince !

Rishe doing her wifely duty of trying to make sure her husband relaxes and doesn't overwork himself! Even applying some of her maid skills from her 4th Loop! Though bold of her to even get in bed with him, and put her hand on her stomach, though that's just what Arnold wants .

And the physical intimacy doesn't stop there! Especially when Rishe feels Arnold's neck and his scar...though without gloves Arnold doesn't feel he can return the courtesy, even if Rishe offers up her neck (and we catch a glimpse of her boob in the process). Though of course the pair end up sleeping in the same bed together .

Arnold you charmer! Watching your wife as she sleeps, hiding her Oliver, all the while giving her some headpats! Rishe can barely contain herself !

I see Rishe took wanting to learn how the Imperial Knights are trained so seriously she's going to don a wig and play a boy again like her 6th Loop just so she can join them in their training. I feel bad for her chest though .
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