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Old 2024-03-18, 19:58   Link #1283
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Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
When I said last week that there must be a third test because too many people would otherwise have passed, I didn't think that would literally be the premise for Serie doing the third test herself, and that she'd just triage them instantly. It does go to show, though, that these tests are designed to weed most people out, and if the tests themselves don't do that, Serie will just do it herself. (And yeah, as others said, now I'm curious as to what the third test would have been if most of them would have died from it. And if that's the test, and they realize that needless loss of life is not ideal, then why have that test in the first place...? )

Serie not passing Frieren, when she admitted that Frieren is the reason so many got this far, is the epitome of petty. Not that I think Frieren particularly cared that much anyway, given she knew Fern would pass. It's especially petty, as others pointed out, given that Serie herself is clearly using the magic suppression, and even the field of flowers, spells that she criticizes Frieren for.

I kind of wonder now about those they didn't show failing. It seems weird, in terms of the sequence of things, to first cut some people off, then reveal the people we care most about, but leave these others unaddressed until next episode. I suppose one option is that the others will pass, and they'll just start the next episode with a "here are those who passed" scene, but even that seems a bit high to me. (I suppose they could do that and then have flashbacks for the others somehow.) I guess we'll see.

Here's to hoping next week's episode ends with an announcement of a second season and that they'll be back on the road again. In the end, I did like this arc well enough, but it still feels so far like a really long detour, and I'm not yet sure if any of the characters we met are going to be relevant in any of the rest of the plot after this or just forgotten (I guess we'll see). It fleshed out Frieren and Fern a bit more, and that ongoing character development (including the various flashbacks) is really what made it work for me. It still, though, basically has the sense that the author had this whole journey roughly planned, and then some editor came to them and said "slow down, this manga is way too successful to end so quickly!" so then they created this contrivance to introduce a whole lot more characters all of a sudden. Otherwise, they presumably would have introduced the characters more organically along the way. Like I said, though, it was still interesting, and I guess we'll see what they do with it going forward.
I feel like the other test exists because Serie isn't willing to put in the effort once every three years to just determine pass/fail herself . I suppose for Serie that is like doing a test every couple days. Loss of life isn't ideal, but I suspect that Serie really doesn't want to waste time offering a spell to someone that isn't remotely worthy and there is pressure to keep the ranks elite. Weed out the truly weak early on in the tests and take the chance with those that have some potential. If they still fall short then they really weren't cut out for it...

I guess the direction they went was for the sake of good flow. Set up the test, then show how merciless Serie is going to be with characters that are "sure, that makes sense" and allow the episode to end strong with Frieren and Fern's results. Can pick it up next week with some more interesting candidates and then move towards the epilogue for this arc.

The odds are probably good for characters like Ubel, Land, Denken, etc, to pass, but probably will require a bit of time to explain why. At least that's what I expect. But we'll have to see.

As for the purpose of the arc, you never know. Could be right on that one. But I also wonder if there wasn't a desire to set some things up for the future. A lot of the characters we've met are probably heading North themselves. So having people that they can cross paths with in the future isn't a bad thing. Might also be the case that there is a larger narrative planned. Maybe not on the level with a new Demon King, but something big enough that a lot of capable characters will be needed to gather at the same time. So might as well insert prominent figures into the story now.
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