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Old 2024-03-25, 13:14   Link #1375
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Join Date: Mar 2010
They showed that they're going to stay faithful to events of the original, even if the nuance may be slightly different.

The "new" elements may just be there as a way to give plot elements to things that had little to no explanation in the original, like the way they expanded the role of the Weapons and the war with Wutai to give Yuffie a better reason to join the party.

There's plenty of events in the third disc that weren't very well fleshed out, like Safer Sephiroth being able to cast Meteor, the Lifestream coming out to save the day, or Zack's relevance in general.
Remember how it took a novel to explain how Zack and other dead people were in the Lifestream that came out to stop the Meteor?
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