Thread: Crunchyroll Sengoku Youko
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Old 2024-03-27, 11:04   Link #141
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Join Date: Aug 2013
It's Takekchi vs Mobile Fortress Barry! He may have more firepower, but Shinsuke with Arabuki is faster! Fast enough to slug him right in his ugly mug !

Douren may have unlocked a special move that lets him control space and time to punch even harder, but he's still respectful enough to acknowledge the on-point commentary of a talking crow .

I'm not sure if that's healthy to be putting your new spirit hand into your brain, but it does let Jinka unlock his new tail, which lets him control wind and move as fast as the breeze! Though that still might not be enough to beat Douren .

Douren might've even won too since he was quickly advancing on Jinka before his final attack hit...were it not for some hooded wanderers appearing before them and distracting him long enough for the attack to connect. What were those guys !?

Well, a loss is still a loss, and Douren is down. But at least he enjoyed himself...and Tama made sure Jinka didn't take his head .

With Douren down Yazen is totally ready to bail, he's a researcher, not a fighter, and he'd rather his katawara lover not get exposed...though I guess there's always the option of razing everything to the ground with your giant fortress .

The Dangaisyuu have truly lost their way, but it's the self-awareness of people like Inga that might carry their ideals forward if they survive this .

Jinka takes to the skies! Arabuki has now become a fully-fledged katawara blade and feels the air is his home and where he can most be free, and he offers that freedom to Shinsuke! The sky is the limit after all! And the perfect spot for Shinsuke to doge Barry's blades and shoulder beams and pull off his signature move to bisect the piece of @#$% with Shaku in his minds' eye .

I guess I should've figured it would still come down to a brawl, but Barry has lost enough of his power that he can't keep his body going and he dies as a pathetic half-shell of a man...which is hardly the least he deserves, but at least he's dead now. But until this whole business is wrapped up, Shinsuke's not done yet either .

Oh wow, Jinka finally called Shinsuke by his name! Even added -san! And look at how much Tama cares about Jinka !

And now they have to fight Taizan! Good thing they can summon the Mountain Goddess right? Who will show up any minute...any minute...and right on time to make an epic entrance and knock Taizan down on his butt. I love Kuzunoha and Yazen realizing how screwed they are .

But it was always going to come down to spirit transformation vs spirit transformation as Jinka and Tama go to confront Yazen and Kuzunoha, with their comrades right behind them. Time for the final battle .
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