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Old 2024-04-14, 09:34   Link #23
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
So we finally know why Sade cursed Sharon...she promised to cure Alice of being sickly, but only if Sharon would go full Sleeping Beauty and eat an apple that would put her into an eternal rest. Which of course she did like a true loving mother. Though now thanks to the interference of the gang in their time-travelling, Sade sees a purpose in waking Sharon up. To keep tabs on and take care of her future enemies !

It's nice to see mother and daughter making up for lost time for a mommy-daughter outing in town. They even meet Cuff and Zain! And Zain has no reservations flirting with both women in front of his girlfriend, with Cuff treating him how you'd expect .

I know back in season 1 there was some speculation that Sharon and Victor were in a relationship, which is why Sade targeted her, but in reality all that dancing they did together was just prep for Victor to reunite with his beloved wife. Sharon just saw him as a father. And he is going to be Alice's future grandfather-in-law anyways .

Sharon has finally returned to the main mansion! And hardly anyone can believe it, let alone Gerbera. She's had to deal with Sharon's loss for so long that she doesn't know how to process having her best friend back in her life, especially with all her complicated emotions. But Sharon won't quit until she and Gerbera are back to being besties .

So now Sade is attacking everybody with her clones...good thing for Zain's time magic otherwise the circus would be burned to the ground from Cuff .

Walter may think cross-dressing can solve his problems but just look at him standing up to Sade for Daleth's sake! He was even willing to clarify he was the second son even if that was critical damage for him! But he was also able to show up some amazing ambidextrous swordfighting skills to slay the clone! Even got a nice moment with Viola in the process .

Daleth is back to work running the Underworld...or at least she would be if she wasn't chilling out and looking amazing in a bikini, but after all the hard work she's put in to fix things in the Underworld, she deserves the break, especially for how popular she is. She even manages to save the girlfriends and defeat her sisters' clone! Go Daleth !

Oh no, Rob II is actually a Sade Clone! Yay! But I love Rob calling out Sade for her villainous deeds, and how the Duke actually did successfully kill something for once! RIP Rob II .

Well, figures after all the revelations Sade threw at Alice, she'd be really shaken up and need the Duke to comfort her...and she's willing to wear her cutest lingerie around him to boot. But it's their emotional connection and his ability to reassure and be there for her that matters the most. Even if she is willing to strip for him at any opportunity and wants to have wild animal sex with him .
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