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Old 2024-04-22, 09:29   Link #31
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Join Date: Aug 2013
So exactly what are Leshea's powers? Obviously her flames, but also some mild telekinesis ?

A lot of obstacles to overcome in this game against Uroboros...not only just surviving on the back of a giant sky dragon you have to make somehow yell out in pain, but also sky whales called leviathan surrounding you on all sides ready to eat you when you fall. Did we also mention Team Inferno who is still salty Pearl made them lose the last game? At least Captain Orvan (Kenta Miyake) seems reasonable .

So all the Gods have their own Meeps with different personalities? But they similarly really aren't all that great about informing you of all the rules, whether they be enthusiastic or depressed .

I see Leshea still doesn't quite know how to control her strength. I guess that's more people with scared Leshea stories .

Well, it's nice to have Pearl rubbing her chest up against you when she's scared, Fay, but Leshea definitely does not care for any other girls' chest being pressed against you...especially if you enjoy it .

So Pearl is the type to get an idea in her head and immediately run through with it...which is cute, though less cute is when her attacking the tail ends up costing the more of Team Inferno. Though Leshea is tired of their bad attitude towards Pearl getting in the way of enjoying the game and Pearl ended up finding a clue to the Hidden Rule anyways !

No surprise it would come down to the main three, riding Leviathans once Uroboros' tail has been hurt enough to make it rise into the sky, revealing it's true eyes in its stomach. And with some great teamwork, Leshea throwing her flames around (and ending up with battle damage!), and Fay and Pearl using her teleportation powers to hit Uroboros with its own eye beams, they finally succeed !

And their reward for beating the unbeatable god is...seeing it's true form, which is a cute girl voiced by Miyu Tomita! And Uroboros' heart, which can be used to play her again with even tougher challenges! Is that really a reward ?
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