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Old 2024-05-06, 00:32   Link #56
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Age: 48
The general idea of this anime, of "the player", i.e. the our protagonist, amassing a group of skilled retainers for the clear challenges he sees ahead, is a good idea.

However, I also noticed how the walls in his city have poor, patchy plaster on them. The people don't seem to be struggling and seem happy, but clearly improvements could be done to have their lives be more wealthy, i.e. produce more to then have more ressources for the conflicts to come. The anime doesn't deal with that aspect at all.

It's not a bad show, but uses an idealized idea of how to solve the coming conflicts.

On another note, I think all the assisting side characters have now been gathered? So the second half of the show will probably deal with introducing conflict and actual antagonists.
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