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Old 2024-05-09, 23:10   Link #58
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Nothing brings out a hibernating Shimarin like the promise of ham and cheese canapé’s !

I love how they arrive at an inn and their first immediate takeaway is a cute dog walking around everywhere and Nadeshiko is already eating .

Foot bath cafe’s are great for resting your feet and eating good food, seeing Nadeshiko’s legs, and reuniting with some nice older ladies !

They finally do a suspension bridge as a trio like in the OP! And after surviving the death bridge, Rin and Aya can handle anything! Though probably for the best they didn’t try Musou bridge and it already collapsed !

That moment when you realize you suddenly have to pose for a picture .

Would not be a full Laid-Back Camp trip without a dip in hot springs for the girls !

Nadeshiko really can make friends with everybody. She’s just lovable dog! Just look at Smol Nadeshiko befriending a totally random girl while Smol Aya, teen Sakura, and younger Nadeshiko mama react in shock !

I see Nadeshiko has now come to love trains and embraced them as her new form of transportation. Probably less strenuous than all the riding Rin and Aya have to do .

Well…it’s time for Aya to go, and Nadeshiko is sad to see her leave…but Aya isn’t ready to leave!!! There’s always ONE more bridge after all! And there promise of Aya joining the gang for a big camp eventually !

Nadeshiko got back late but at least she’s not as dead tired as Aya and Rin. And she has some hamburg for Sakura! Who isn’t amazed because it’s simps to buy online, but it’s the thought that counts !

Here’s Aki, Ena, and Aoi to remind you they exist and are still main characters! Also…cosplay !
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