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Old 2024-05-12, 09:37   Link #49
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Who needs an actual snowsuit when Alice's ample thighs and chest are enough? She always runs hot for the Duke, after all .

Viola and Alice look amazing in their dresses! Alice's fishnets have moved to her chest! And the Duke of course is a suit of armor turned into a decoration. But that's about what I expected .

Gerbera CAN smile and be friendly! After nights of practicing with Sharon, of course! But still !

Viola is a bundle of nerves performing in front of everyone, but the Duke is able to come through as her big brother and play accompanying piano! And he's basically just winging it in that armor! It's enough to get Gerbera emotional remembering when she would be affectionate towards the Duke !

Walter finds Daleth looking amazing in her dress up on the roof, anxious and nervous about attending the ball and seeing Walter with other women...but Walter really only has interest in Daleth, and is flattered that she wants him to be the first man she kisses to complete her transformation into human. Not that he thinks she needs to, but it's how she sees a path to be with him. But he can't kiss her...unless he marries her, and he seems to be very much invested in that future .

DALETH AND WALTER ROMANTIC DUET UNDER THE MOONLIGHT! I love how they talk about both being second kids and being all dorky and sweet with each other. The Duke and Alice can't have all the romantic duets .

And then the pair get to ballroom dance together. I get why Daleth is intimidated by Walter's mother, any person would be, but at least they can cast the romantic spell of dancing together, all by themselves. And Gerbera seems to respect Daleth's genuine love for Walter .

The Duke tries to resolve things with his mother, especially when the endgame with Sade is fast approaching, and she even actually apologizes for calling him "Death Incarnate." But as a noble, she still can't accept the idea of him being with Alice if he's to inherit the Dukedom...but as a mother, she just wants him to be happy. And as the Duke still fondly remembers all the kindness she showed him as a mother, Gerbera reveals that she's cared about him all along .

Bunny Viola! Also, Philip wants to fix things with the Duke but is really awkward! Even his own sister has to lecture him. But baby steps, and at least the Duke is happy .

What lies in store for the Duke? The end of his peaceful, fun, life with Alice and Rob? The end of his curse? The end of being with Alice? Either way, he has to move forward, if only so he can finally touch Alice .

Only Alice could make air headpats work and still be quite sexy .
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