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Old 2006-09-04, 06:53   Link #30
Join Date: Aug 2006
ODA's magic magic pen pen Fruit

- He can re-write anything in one piece based on his own imagination. He can strike off Whitebeard, Blackbeard, Eneru.. any badass off the world with his stroke of his pen. He can even redraw Shanks' arm

- Luffy can never be Pirate King without his approval
- add, remove, modify any character, any story, any history, any island.
- the user will be invincible and kill anyone with just its though itself.
- yes, he can do whatever he wish to hina, nami, robin, kalifa, Vivi, Laki, Tashigi, Mozu and Kiwi, Porche, Nojiko, Conis, Kaya

- errrmmm .. con??
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