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Old 2006-09-04, 21:52   Link #1
s-class uchiha
Naruto = Painful
Join Date: Jan 2006
[Manga] Orochimaru choosing Vessels

Did anybody else find it weird that Orochimaru went from Anko to Itachi to KIMI to Sasuke?

Just seems like if he wanted, jutsus to be preeminent in his fighting style, that choosing Anko or Kimi [They both had the highest ranking curse seals] would be counter productive.

The sharingan is perfect for his purposes, but Kimi seems not in line with his purposes too much, though he could get a lot of crazy jutsus out of his body also. No doubt, it would be crazy for him to have Kimi's body and his purposes with Anko are not clear, but considering the type of curse seal she has, he prb wanted her body also.

Do you think Orochimaru just wanted Kimi's body as a "filler" until his next, or would some go as far to say that he would prefer over Sasuke's? After all he did pursue Sasuke only after, Kimimaru was sick...
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