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Old 2006-09-05, 14:02   Link #39
Sabaku Kyu
The Ironman
Join Date: Sep 2006
It's interesting. I remember a couple of people speculating that the 4th squad captain's bankai was the ability to undo treatment on wounds she had healed. In her case, such a power would be largely useless since she's mostly treated members of SS, but Orihime is actually in a position where she could use this power to an advantage. Still, I doubt that Aizen will be using Orihime to heal his troops. It seems like he asked her to heal Grimmjow merely as a demonstration of her powers. Otherwise, he already has lower-level arrancar to heal his Espada (although they can't regenerate missing limbs). I wonder how far her time manipulation abilities actually extend. Could Aizen force her to, say, take away Ichigo's vaizard, bankai or even shingami powers?
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