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Old 2006-09-20, 00:09   Link #1234
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Formerly Iwakawa base and Chaldea. Now Teyvat, the Astral Express & the Outpost
Age: 44
Originally Posted by Agent86

The manga (it's actually a doujin, I think) is a different story. I stopped after about 2 or 3 pages - it was way too... creepy. Think Bratz-level little-girls-playing-adults stuff and throw in about a zillion panty shots. Yeesh...

I happened to find the manga in a shop when it was published in France. I myself questionned the point of releasing it here when it was hard enough to make the conservative side of the french population accept anime and manga as a part of the youth's culture since the late 1970s.

PS: this was from a first glance.
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