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Old 2006-09-23, 22:40   Link #147
Challenging fate head on!
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Canada
Age: 36
I suppose 30 bucks isn't so bad after all, just have a load of birthdays and Xmas, and a computer that I seem to be having to pay more money for than I first thought I would >.< *Hates computer guy with passion at moment, wants to send Higurashi characters after him with some of the stuff he has pulled... Pictures Rena going after him with ax mwahahahahaha... * But I am so going to try ordering it then when I get the chance, this is a must get for me. Is that a rough price or is it more with shipping and is there any particular place I should order it that's trustworthy?? I don't like ordering stuff online aside from Agh it's so worth it for this game >.<. Since I highly doubt I will be satisfied with just seeing Tsumihoroboshi-hen for the final chapter lol... heck I am probably going to want to see the rest of the chapters anyways.
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