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Old 2006-09-28, 00:01   Link #57
Join Date: Oct 2004
Doesn't anyone want to shout, "Hakuoro and Eruru, how can you kiss while talking to each other!" Is it some kind of stomach talk?

The people who can make Kurura running away must be some kind monster, but these monsters are still scare Eruru's harsh stare.
流麗のヒステリア Hysteria of flowing beautifully
三つ腕のリヒティ Lichty of three arms
重剣のクロエ Chloe of giant sword
天啓のシスティーナ Sistina of Apocalypse
愛憎のロクサーヌ Roxanne of distinguished love and hate
万有のルテーシア Lutécia of everything
塵喰いのカサンドラ Cassandra of eating dust
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