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Old 2006-09-30, 03:29   Link #8
wingéd prettygirl
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Age: 40
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Animation: 7.5. Not superb (a lá KyoAni) but pleasantly watchable. Loses half a point for the glitter-wipe.

Music: 6. I can't call to mind any specific BGM tracks, whenever I watch an episode and rehear something I think 'eh, whatever.' The OP/ED themes are among the only anime OP/EDs that I haven't gone out and bothered getting full size.

SFX: 7. Again, nothing particularly memorable, but some of the funky Derflinger effects, and the machine gun spray did cause some amusement. So did the whip. ^^

Character: 6. Development, required. Some nice basic ideas, but the pacing of the last two episodes didn't do the characters justice. They changed far too quickly.

Story: 7. The story was interesting, when it was there (say, the last four/five episodes?). Again, pacing loses it points.

Editing: 5. Glitter-wipes aren't the way to go in every single situation, and again we lose points for pacing - but a lot of points.

Voice Acting: 8.5. Points for just having Horie Yui (^^) let alone in a role she did well. Also points for teaming up Kugimiya Rie and Hino Satoshi together again after Shana. Wald's voice was suitably evil-debonáir. Cromwell's voice was silly though.

Average score: 6.7, call it an even 7.

Hm. Perhaps I should say here that the glitter-wipe really irritated me, or do we think we've covered that enough times? As I mentioned in the ep 13 thread, I will pick up Zero no Tsukaima if licensed, and it does have some potential as a rewatch show for me. But, in all honesty, I've seen better shows before. This one was fun, and entertaining, and that's all I really expected it to be. Now, I'm looking forward to the novels.

"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
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