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Old 2006-10-05, 12:08   Link #123
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Clinton, Maryland
Originally Posted by Srin Tuar
Hrm, the masic story seems the same as the first series...

It also seems vulnerable to the same problem as the first series: attention spread too thinly between was too many characters.

This seems to mainly be a remake...
Yes, this is an obvious retelling of Negima. However, the huge difference is the style of the show (and how it can affect the characters). You see, whereas Xebec version focused on the harem aspect (and the 31 students), it appears that SHAFT version will focus on the fantasy aspect. From all the promotion that been going on for this show, you can definitely expect main roles for Negi, his first four Ministra Magi in the manga (*has mouth covered before mentioning Nodoka's Pactio*), and Evangeline. While I can also expect some involvement from Negi's other Ministra Magi in the manga (especially Yue), the fighters, Ayaka, and Makie, I have a feeling that the rest of the cast will be "fodder characters" that are either in the backgroud or in comical bits that appear at the end of the episodes.

BTW, one word of advice to whoever decides to do the fansub of Negima!?: since it is appears that the new series follow Pani Poni Dash’s tradition of including references in either signs or what’s written on the blackboard, I highly suggest following in the same footsteps that gg Fansubs did when they fansubbed PPD and provide a .pdf file that explains all the blackboard and sign jokes that may appear in the new Negima anime.
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